In a different planet, where the end of the world is happening, a volcano erupts rectangular shapes which an advance futuristic civilization of crabs uses to build a tower to avoid being drowned by the raising water caused by that planet's global warming.

The game is simple, you will play crabs that need to build a tower with 2 simple rules:

  • The water goes above the tower: you lose
  • The tower reaches the pink zone: you win
  • Any number of players can play, just plug a controller and let the chaos begin! (2 players min recommended)

You can play this with a gamepad or a keyboard

  • Gamepad: left stick to move, R2 to jump
  • Keyboard: arrow keys move, space jump

Simple and sweat.

The lore of the game goes deep and currently* a book is being written the complicated fauna, flora and social interactions in this planet. Keep in touch for the book for answers for some questions like:

  • Why is a volcano spitting tetris pieces?
  • Why crabs?
  • Hold on.. don't crabs survive under water?

and more

*Book currently not being written.

Made withUnity
Tags2D, chaos, crab

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